Hinton St George Primary School - School Streets Initial Consultation

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Closes 3 Mar 2025


A proposed trial for Hinton St George Primary School

Over the past few years, Hinton St George Primary School has seen an increase in the number of complaints from local residents regarding parking issues, and complaints from parents/carers about the safety of children on and nearby the streets leading to school. 

As a result, Hinton St George Primary School has been highlighted as a potential school who could benefit from a School Street scheme. 

A trial School Street would run for at least six months; with the hope that it would become permanent if the school and local community supported the scheme.

This 2 week consultation will be part of a larger 6 month consultation for the potential school street scheme. However, at this stage we are seeking initial feedback to support forward planning.

How will the School Street run?

To achieve a School Street for Hinton St George Primary School we are proposing to close West Street heading West from Abbey Street junction. The time the scheme will be in place will be 08:15 – 09:00am and again between 14:55 – 15:35pm (excluding school holidays and weekends).

During the closure periods, stewards will be present to help enforce the scheme and to welcome families arriving at the School Street on foot, scooter or cycle. Closure times are suggested to be for 08:15 – 09:00am and again between 14:55 – 15:35pm, term time only. 

Motor vehicles are not permitted to enter the School Street unless they have been granted an exemption, examples of exemptions are: vehicles belonging to residents inside the School Street zone, blue badge holders, emergency services, delivery vehicles.

Please share your views with us

Before answering the following questions, please make sure you have read and understood the information provided about School Streets and the proposed trial. 

This initial consultation will help us to make an informed decision about the progression of the scheme, this initial consultation will last for 2 weeks from 17th February until 3 March 2025.

1. Which of these apply to you (select all that apply). *The proposed School Street zone includes: West Street heading West from Abbey Street junction.
2. How do you usually travel on the street(s) in the proposed School Street Zone, during the proposed closure times? *Park and Stride means driving most of the journey but parking away from your destination (outside the proposed School Street zone) and walking the last 5 minutes or more.
3. What is your view on the following statements during drop off and pick up times within the proposed School Street zone? *The proposed School Street zone includes: West Street heading West from Abbey Street junction.
4. Do you support this proposed trial School Street road closure during pick up and drop off times, as described.
5. Do you have any further comments about the current situation at school drop off and pick up time, or about the proposed School Streets trial?