Wembdon St George's Church School - School Streets Post Launch

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Closes 13 Jul 2025


Wembdon St George's School Streets

Welcome to the parent and resident survey for Wembdon St George's School Streets. We would like your feedback on the School Streets that is currently being trialled on Brantwood Road. We will use an anonymous summary of your responses to evaluate the success of the School Street and whether it should become permanent.

Please share your views with us

This consultation will run for 6 months from the start of the School Street, 13th January until 13th July 2025. This survey should take up to five minutes.

How long is the trial period?

The trial scheme commenced on 13th January 2025 and is due to last for a total of 18 months. During these 18 months there is 6 month consultation window. This runs from 13 January until the 13th July 2025.

After the consultation period has finished, it can be considered whether the scheme can become permanent. 

Thank you very much for taking the time to complete the following survey.

1. Which of these apply to you (select all that apply). *The School Street zone includes all of Brantwood Road up to Inwood Road junction.
2. How do you usually travel in the School Street Zone, during the closure times? *Park and Stride means driving most of the journey but parking away from your destination (outside the School Street zone) and walking the last 5-10 minutes or more.
3. How has the School Street changed your use of these modes of travelling, on the School Street during the drop off and pick up time?
4. Now the School Street is in place, how much do you agree or disagree with these statements during the School Streets closure times?
5. Do you think the School Street should continue beyond the trial period?
6. Do you have any further comments about the School Streets trial?