Somerset 2025-26 Admission Arrangements Consultation

Closed 26 Jan 2024

Opened 8 Dec 2023


Welcome to the consultation on the 2025-26 admission arrangements for Somerset Council and also on behalf of a number of own admission authority schools, academies and Trusts.

Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to view the admission arrangements you are interested in from the list of documents below. Each has a front page outlining the proposed changes or alternatively they are clearly marked on the document. 

Why your views matter

This statutory consultation gives parents, schools and interested parties the opportunity to comment on the admission arrangements for Somerset Council or for an own admission school or academy or Trust.


What happens next

Any comments received for own admission authority schools, academies or Trusts will be sent to the Governing Body/Trust for consideration.

Admission arrangements must be determined by the admission authority by 28th February 2024 and published on the school website by 15th March 2024.

Objections can be referred to the Office of the School Adjudicator until 15th May 2024.