Great Green Directory Application

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Closes 30 Nov 2035


1. What is your name?
2. Business name
3. First lines of business address (town and postcode are separate questions)
4. City, Town or Village where business is based
5. Business postcode
6. Business telephone number
7. Business email address
8. Does your business have a website?
9. Business website address
10. Please upload your business logo / image of your business that you would like included. Ideally this will be a jpeg or png (no larger than 5MB).
Please make sure your file is under 10MB
11. Which social media does your business use to advertise, we will include the relevant logos and URLs/Handle in the directory.
12. Please choose ONE main category from the list below that your business fits into;
13. Please provide a short description of your business (maximum 30 words)
14. What are your opening times (for example 9am to 5pm)?
15. How do you consider your business to have eco-friendly credentials? Please tick those that apply below.
16. Do you have any other eco credentials you would like to promote? Let us know in the box below.
17. Would you be happy to share your eco business experiences with others?
18. Do you provide Somerset Council with consent to process, store and share your data for the purposes outlined within this survey? If you require your information to be removed/updated at any point please email Please note; if you do not provide consent you will not be included within the Great Green Directory. Providing consent also means that you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of our website.
19. If you would like to showcase your business/product/service further you can upload a maximum of two photos here. (inclusion is subject to space)
Please make sure your file is under 10MB
Please make sure your file is under 10MB