59 results
New Alternative Provision Free School - Wellington
Horizons Therapeutic Education Trust has been invited by the Department for Education (DfE) to operate a new Alternative Provision Free School in Somerset, which opened in September 2024. The Single Academy Trust (SAT) is proposing to expand to a second satellite school site to allow it double the number of learners it supports to 30 children. Horizons Therapeutic Education Trust has been formed as part of a Strategic Partnership between The Shaw Trust Charity, Somerset... MoreOpened 23 January 2025 -
School term dates consultation for academic years 2026-2028
Somerset Council is consulting on the draft school term and holiday dates for the 2026 - 2027 and 2027- 2028 academic years. These will apply to Community and Voluntary Controlled schools. While Academies, Voluntary Aided, Foundation, and Free schools can set their own dates, many choose to align with those set by Somerset Council. Feedback from this consultation will be gathered and presented to a working party in March 2025, with the final dates published on Somerset... MoreOpened 13 January 2025 -
Bruton Primary School - School Streets Post Launch
Somerset Council is working together with Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP) and school communities to look into ways to reduce congestion and improve the safety of children outside the school gates. Elsewhere in the country School Streets have been proven to achieve this. The School Street at Bruton Primary School launched on Monday 13th January 2025 and we are now seeking feedback on the trial scheme. A School Street is a road (or a number of roads) outisde a... MoreOpened 13 January 2025 -
Wembdon St George's Church School - School Streets Post Launch
Somerset Council is working together with Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP) and school communities to look into ways to reduce congestion and improve the safety of children outside the school gates. Elsewhere in the country School Streets have been proven to achieve this. The School Street at Wembdon St George's Church School launched on Monday 13th January 2025 and we are now seeking feedback on the trial scheme. A School Street is a road (or a number of roads)... MoreOpened 13 January 2025 -
Public Space Protection Order Consultation Somerset East
What is a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)? A PSPO is an order that is enforceable under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. They are used to protect the public from behaviour that is having, or is likely to have, a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality and is, or is likely to be, persistent and unreasonable. What is the Purpose of this Consultation? ... MoreOpened 6 January 2025 -
Budget Consultation 2025/2026
Welcome to Somerset Council’s Budget Consultation for the next financial year (April 2025 to March 2026). This consultation is a vital part of our commitment to transparency, community engagement, and financial planning. As we plan our budget, we need your input to help us prioritise and allocate resources effectively. We aim to ensure that our financial decisions reflect the needs and aspirations of our communities. Somerset Council provides many local services – from adult... MoreOpened 13 December 2024 -
Somerset 2026-27 Admission Arrangements Consultation
Welcome to the consultation on the 2026-27 admission arrangements for Somerset Council and also on behalf of a number of own admission authority schools, academies and trusts. Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to view the admission arrangements you are interested in from the list of documents below. Each has a front/additional page outlining any proposed changes or alternatively they are clearly marked on the document. If you are looking for a school or Trust that is not... MoreOpened 2 December 2024 -
Somerset Business Survey 2024/2025
On behalf of Somerset's new business-led Economic Growth Board, Somerset Council are undertaking this survey to support the development of a new Economic Strategy for Somerset. This Strategy will set out a bold vision for the county, and where we want the economy to be in 10 years. Doing this properly requires an understanding of the current and future opportunities and challenges businesses are facing, and the only way to do this is to hear from businesses directly. We... MoreOpened 28 November 2024 -
Local validation checklist consultation
Somerset Council is consulting on the proposed local validation checklist found below. The key purpose of the document will be to improve the quality / completeness of planning applications made to the Council so that: The Council spends less time (and resource) validating applications and chasing for missing information etc Applicants / developers / investors receive a better service as we start processing their applications sooner Stakeholders including... MoreOpened 11 November 2024 -
Wilstock & Stockmoor County Park Questionnaire
The Green Estates Team at Somerset Council have recently taken on management of the country park and are creating a 5 year management plan for the site. We’re looking to make improvements for both people and wildlife but before starting work we would like to gather the views of park users; we’d be grateful if you could spend a few minutes answering the questions below. Alternatively, you can email your thoughts to countryside@somerset.gov.uk MoreOpened 24 October 2024 -
Berrow Dunes Visitor Survey
The Green Estates Team at Somerset Council have recently taken on management of Berrow Dunes Local Nature Reserve and are creating a 5 year management plan for the site. We’re looking to make improvements to the site for both people and wildlife. We’d like to gather the views of people who visit the site; we’d be grateful if you could spend a few minutes answering the questions below. Alternatively, you can email your thoughts to countryside@somerset.gov.uk MoreOpened 24 October 2024 -
Taunton Waterways Strategy and Guidance Consultation
The Taunton Waterways Strategy and Guidance builds on several prior studies and reports which have emphasised the significance of the River Tone to the town. The Taunton Garden Town Vision places its waterways at the heart of the town and its regeneration, seeks to make the most of them and rediscover the historic connection between the town and surrounding landscape. This work sets out a draft Strategy and Guidance for Taunton's Waterways. Whilst many of its recommendations are not... MoreOpened 18 October 2024 -
Positive about Breastfeeding Venue review
If you have recently visited a venue that is registered with or displaying a Positive About Breastfeeding sticker and would like to tell us about your experience, please complete the survey below. MoreOpened 14 October 2024 -
Taunton Waterways Strategy and Guidance | Pre Consultation
The Taunton Waterways Strategy and Guidance builds on several prior studies and reports which have emphasised the significance of the River Tone to the town. The Taunton Garden Town Vision places its waterways at the heart of the town and its regeneration, seeks to make the most of them and rediscover the historic connection between the town and surrounding landscape. This work sets out a draft Strategy and Guidance for Taunton's Waterways. Whilst many of its recommendations are not... MoreOpened 28 September 2024 -
Funding and provision for children with additional needs
This consultation is about the goal of a fairer funding system so that schools can provide better support and education for any child. The system for supporting children with additional needs in Somerset is under pressure. Similarly to many other areas in the country, there are too many situations arising locally where children’s needs are not being met as quickly as anyone would want, and where arrangements that are being put in place are not having the impact that they should. ... MoreOpened 9 September 2024 -
Resident survey 2024
Welcome to our 2024 Resident Survey. Your views are important to us and we want to know what you think about Somerset Council and the place you live. In this survey we will ask a number of questions about your local area. By local area we mean the area within around a 15-20 minute walking distance from your home. Your local area receives services from Somerset Council. The Council is responsible for a range of services such as social care services for adults and children,... MoreOpened 9 September 2024 -
Somerset Homelessness Strategy Consultation
Homelessness can happen to anyone who finds themselves in a combination of challenging circumstances. As a new unitary authority formed in April 2023, one of Somerset Council’s first actions has been to review homelessness. This work is being done in association with the Somerset Homelessness Reduction Board, a multi-agency partnership dedicated to preventing homelessness and rough sleeping. Our housing system is under strain as... MoreOpened 29 July 2024 -
Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/26 Consultation
Background – our financial emergency In November 2023, Somerset Council declared a financial emergency due to the increasing costs of providing many services, including social care. We were able to set a budget for this coming financial year (2024-25) by taking a number of difficult decisions to find savings by reducing services or raising fees and charges. We also need to use £81.9m of one-off funding. This includes spending reserves (a... MoreOpened 24 July 2024 -
Taunton Transport Hub
The Taunton Transport Hub is a visionary project that will help improve the way people travel to and from the town. The hub will be located at the former bus station site, which is in the heart of Taunton and is now a prime spot for regeneration. The hub will offer a range of modern and sustainable transport options, including bus, coach, cycle and bike parking facilities. The hub will also feature attractive public spaces, green areas, links to the town centre and the River Tone. The... MoreOpened 23 July 2024 -
Suicide Prevention Strategy Consultation
The Somerset Suicide Prevention Partnership has developed a new draft Multi-agency Suicide Prevention Strategy for Somerset. The strategy is based on the 8 priority areas for action described within the national suicide prevention strategy, published in September 2023. The suicide prevention partnership would like to consult on this draft strategy with local organisations and members of the public ahead of publishing the strategy in September 2024. The strategy... MoreOpened 22 July 2024 -
Mendip Local Plan Part II Limited Update – Regulation 19
Somerset Council is updating the Mendip Local Plan Part II (Sites and Policies) Local Plan which identifies additional housing sites for development. This follows a Judicial Review of the Plan in 2022. A consultation was held in February 2024 which identified sites that could provide for 505 homes by 2029. The Council has now published a submission document with more detail on the additional sites with policies. The Submission Plan identifies nine sites, some of which have now been... MoreOpened 28 June 2024 -
Otterhampton Primary - School Streets 2
Somerset Council is working together with Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP) and school communities to look into ways to reduce congestion and improve the safety of children outside the school gates. Elsewhere in the country School Streets have been proven to achieve this. The School Street at Otterhampton Primary School launched on Monday 3rd June 2024 and we are now seeking feedback on the trial scheme. A School Street is a road (or a number of roads) outisde a... MoreOpened 3 June 2024 -
Somerset School Nurse Feedback
Knowing what you think of our service is always really helpful. It helps us to understand what we are doing right, and to improve where we haven't got things quite right. This is an anonymous survey, so you are not going to be asked for your name. Please Note: this site is not constantly monitored. If you would like to speak with a member of the School Nursing Team about your feedback, please use the Chat Health Support Line, ... MoreOpened 3 May 2024 -
Somerset Health Visiting Service Family Feedback
Please take a few moments (about 5 minutes) to let us know about your recent experience with our Health Visiting Team. With your help, we'll use this information to develop our practice and improve our service offer. There are 12 short questions in total, plus an option at the end to leave your contact details if you would like to contribute to our ongoing service development. You do not have to give your name (optional) if you wish to remain anonymous, however, we do ask for the... MoreOpened 25 April 2024 -
New Alternative Provision Free School - 1st site Misterton
Horizons Therapeutic Education Trust has been invited by the Department for Education (DfE) to operate a new Alternative Provision Free School in Somerset. Horizons Therapeutic Education Trust has been formed as part of a Strategic Partnership between The Shaw Trust Charity, Somerset Foundation Trust (NHS) and Somerset Council to support young people at risk of needing inpatient hospital support from CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) or children in the care... MoreOpened 8 April 2024 -
Somerset Tree Planting Register
Somerset Council published a 10 year Tree Strategy in June 2023 to enhance and protect Somerset trees and woodland across the county. Amongst its ambitious aims, the strategy sets out a plan for planting 240 hectares of new trees and woodlands each year across the county until 2033. From Somerset’s famous apple orchards to Exmoor’s mighty oaks, the aim is to increase the county’s tree coverage from its current 8% to the national average of 13% and more if possible. We... MoreOpened 3 April 2024 -
West Buckland Housing Needs Consultation
This Housing Needs Survey is being conducted for the parish of West Buckland by Somerset Council. The consultation will provide essential information on the housing needs of local West Buckland residents. The consultation is open from the 4th March until the 14 th April 2024. It should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. If you have any questions please contact: housingenabling@somerset.gov.uk MoreOpened 4 March 2024 -
Mendip Local Plan Part II Limited Update - Regulation 18
Background The Somerset Development Plan relating to the former Mendip District Council area currently includes the Mendip Local Plan Part I 2006 – 2029 (LPP1) which was adopted 15 December 2014 and Local Plan Part II (LPP2) which was adopted in December 2021. Following a Judicial Review of the LPP2, the High Court ordered the deletion of five site allocations on 16 December 2022 and required that the Council review and reconsider allocations to meet the district... MoreOpened 28 February 2024 -
Wellington Waterways Feasibility Study
Somerset Council has commissioned Arup to prepare a Wellington Waterways Feasibility Study (WWFS), with the aim of: proposing a vision for reducing flood risk to key heritage assets of Tonedale (Tonedale Mill and Tone Works); and delivering wider benefits for nature and the community of Wellington. The Study’s objectives as set out in the specification by Somerset Council are to: “gain a clear understanding of the options and feasibility for reducing... MoreOpened 5 February 2024 -
Wembdon St George's - School Streets
Somerset Council is working together with Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP) and school communities to look into ways to reduce congestion and improve the safety of children outside the school gates. Elsewhere in the country School Streets have been proven to achieve this, we are looking to pilot this scheme with some schools in Somerset. A School Street is a road (or a number of roads) outisde a school with a temporary restriction on motorised vehicles. Motor... MoreOpened 5 February 2024
59 results.
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