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Somerset Business Survey 2024/2025
26 Jan 2025
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1. To which of the following industries does your business belong?
Section A - Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Section B - Mining and Quarrying
Section C - Manufacturing
Section D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Section E - Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Section F - Construction
Section G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Section H - Transportation and storage
Section I - Accommodation and food service activities
Section J - Information and communication
Section K - Financial and insurance activities
Section L - Real estate activities
Section M - Professional, scientific and technical activities
Section N - Administrative and support service activities
Section O - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
Section P - Education
Section Q - Human health and social work activities
Section R - Arts, entertainment and recreation
Section S - Other service activities
Don't know
2. Please briefly describe what your business makes or does.
Please use this box to write your response.
3. Please enter your business' postcode to the last number below. For example, TA1 4DY would be TA1 4.
Please use this box to write your response.
4. How long has your business been trading?
1 year or fewer
2-5 years
6-10 years
12-15 years
16-20 years
21+ years
5. How many employees does your business have? (Use approximate figure if not certain)
0 to 9 (micro)
10 to 49 (small)
50 to 249 (medium)
250+ (large)
6. What is your business' average annual turnover?
Don't know
7. Where is your customer base primarily located?
Local (mainly Somerset)
Regional (South West)
Don’t know
If you would like to expand on where your customer base is located, please do so here.
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